Monday 21 September 2015

Freedom of choices makes Hinduism best comparable to other religions.

It has spoilt me with freedom of choices it gave to me. 

Freedom to accept, question, reject any thing partially or completely , believe it or reject it. Even Vedas. 

Freedom to choose the form , I want to worship God, how I worship and when I worship. Nature worship, sun worship, fire worship, mother goddess, statues or Murti puja or Puja with abstract designs as in a Chauk, yagya or Ramayana reciting..... 

I can turn Shiva worshipper to Vishnu Arya Samaji to Sanatani from morning to evening and nobody will bother me. 

A Hindu is at ease in all religious places. be it a Church or Gurudwara. I even attended Bahai temple and My faith does not threaten me with dire consequences for it. Concept of god in Hinduism is not of a jealous patriarchial father who gets angry for getting along with other faiths.Hinduism emphasizes Experience of Reality and Truth rather than belief. 

It does not believe in concepts of proselytization, heresy hunting, Holy wars, proclamation of chosen people or a jealous God. Hinduism is an inclusive faith which provides for every form of religious experience and belief; there can by no heresy or Kufr in Hinduism. 

Toleration is the homage, which the finite mind pays to the inexhaustibility of the Infinite. Toleration is hallmark of Hinduism. 

Freedom to follow my own spiritual path and yet remain Hindu. 

Freedom to choose between innumerable theories about God or criticize them. 

Freedom to turn atheist and yet I am not told I am going to hell. 

I doubt If India would have turned secular so readily if it was not a Hindu majority. For Hinduism is itself secular by nature. Even many Hindu do not realise the freedom they have got in comparison to organised religions. They havent seen that culture and take this freedom for granted. 

For thousands of years India has been a veritable laboratory of religion: everything imaginable has been tried out, and nothing ever has completely been rejected. Its ethos has evolved down the ages through its the ancient Hindu traditions, customs, philosophy and culture. In spite of many attacks on Hinduism by varied invaders, in spite of rumors of decay and disarray, Hinduism has outlived all announcements of its impending demise. 

Its scriptures are too varied and literature vast. 

II am so used to this freedom and I love surfing in ocean of knowledge and philosophy. 

Not interested in going to a little ponds with one book which tells me getting out means hell.

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