Friday, 11 September 2015

Reality about Shiv Ling (Shivling) and the logic behind worshiping it

"Shivling" is a Sanskrit word and the word "ling" in Sanskrit means representation, or a thing which portrays a picture of something. The linga or lingam (Sanskrit for "symbol") is the symbol of the god Shiva and the form in which he is most commonly worshiped. The phallic symbol is the main object of worship in Saivite temples and homes throughout India and the world. 

Shiva aspect stands for atomic consciousness, that permeates all creation, and in the heart of all beings. Shakti stands for the inert prakriti or nature. A union of this consciousness and inert nature gives birth to all creation including the physical and mental worlds, our maaya, awareness and bliss. This union of consciousness and nature aspects is "symbolised" (remember linga means a symbol too) by two concentric circles depicting these two aspects of Divinity, conjoined in a geometric egg like shape, in one continuous harmony of unity. Shiv linga is also spoken of as the cosmic seed of creation. 

Let me also add, that it may also be, - but is rendered irrelevant due to todays moral prejudices- that in the past the same creativity was also seen to be symbolised in the act of conjugation. But this symbolism today carries unnecessary negative moral baggage, that has been unfortunately much polluted by cultures that couldnt see sex as more than an act of pleasure and women as more than objects of use for sensal pleasure and progeny. Such male dominated cultures installed traditions to inhibit women, put veils on them, instead of attempting to correct their own mental and sensual pollution. Vedic researchers in ancient times,, instead -focused on spiritual research with much work on internal self control of thoughts, instincts and impulses, while placing woman at the highest point of respect. Sex was as holy an act as any other natural acts that exists in creation. Why should there be a and bad in a natural act? ( Do we see process of multiplication of amoeba as immoral, and some of its parts more sacred than other?) The trouble truly lies in our own prejudices and outlook. 

In this light, symbolism of lingam and yoni that you critique, too may have equally sacred foundations. But like I said, todays moral biases turn this symbolism as irrelevant to the objective of depicting creation with highest holiness. 

What truly matters is as follows... 

“Just as OM is the 'sound symbol' of God, the Linga is 'form symbol' or visible symbol of God - the most meaningful, the simplest and the least endowed with appendages of attributes. The Linga means, that in which this Jagat (world of change) attains Laya or mergence or dissolution (Leeyate). All forms merge in the Formless at last. Shiva is the Principle of Destruction of all names and forms, of all entities and individuals. So, the Linga is the simplest sign of emergence and mergence.”

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